Summer Education Series


Watch the Summer Education Series June 18, 2024 “Common Lies about Sex Trafficking” told by Alaska State Legislators to pass useless sex trafficking laws that criminalize the wrong people and result in harming sex workers and sex trafficking survivors.

Community United for Safety and Protection, (C.U.S.P.), Summer Education Series July 18, 2024

Actual Sex Trafficking Cases used by the change in Alaska prostitution laws into sex trafficking laws that just re-criminalize the wrong people resulting in not rescuing anyone.
Hear members of Community United for Safety and Protection, Alaska’s current and former sex workers, sex trafficking victims and our allies tell about the actual sex workers who were charged with sex trafficking themselves and being ‘sex traffickers’ because of the misguided law changes prompted by the anti prostitution lobby who seeks to profit off the criminalization of sex workers’ labor including criminalization of our clients.

Welcome to Community United for Safety and Protections (CUSP) presentation “Sex Trafficking of Minors in Alaska”.

This educational series is the last in the 2024 Summer Education Series hosted by CUSP.

CUSP is comprised of Alaskan current and former sex workers, sex trafficking survivors and our allies.

For more information on sex trafficking of minors, check out Dr. Alix Lutnik’s book “Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Beyond Victims and Villains” Alexandra Lutnick – Columbia University Press…

You Can Also Watch her presentation in Alaska    • Dr Alexandra Lutnick trafficking and …   and before the California State Legislator Assembly Public Safety Committee    • minors report cops as primary abusers…