We need your help to get SB21 passed!
Senate Bill 21 would allow people in Alaska’s sex trades who are the victims or witnesses of crimes like murder, sex trafficking, or assault, to make reports to the police without being charged with prostitution. SB 21 is an important step towards enfranchising members of our community into Alaska’s promise of equal protection under the law for everybody and improving public safety by addressing violent criminals who start out by preying on our population.
Currently SB21 is still awaiting scheduling in the Senate Judiciary committee. You can email Senator.Lesil.McGuire@akleg.
You can also email all of the politicians who will be hearing about this bill soon – their email addresses are at the bottom for you to copy and paste easily. Tell them:
– It is not consistent with our Alaskan values to allow criminals to target our most vulnerable community members with impunity.
– Please add extortion, coercion, robbery, sexual assault of a minor, and possession or production of child pornography to the list of crimes that victims or witnesses could report without being charged with prostitution.
– Please vote yes on SB21!!!!
Send your emails to the bill sponsor, Senator Gardner, and to us so we can add them to our packet of support:
Also send your emails to members of the Senate and House judiciary committees:
Senator.Lesil.McGuire@akleg.gov |
Senator.John.Coghill@akleg.gov |
Senator.Mia.Costello@akleg.gov |
Senator.Peter.Micciche@akleg.gov |
Senator.Bill.Wielechowski@akleg.gov |
Representative.gabrielle.LeDoux@akleg.gov |
Representative.wes.keller@akleg.gov |
Representative.neal.foster@akleg.org |
Representative.bob.lynn@akleg.gov |
Representative.chariesse.millett@akleg.gov |
Representative.matt.claman@akleg.gov |
Representative.max.greunberg@akleg.gov |
Representative.kurt.olson@akleg.gov |