Anchorage Community Safety Alert: Troy Lyle Smith

Today, Troy Lyle Smith was once again released from jail and is free to again prey on vulnerable Alaskans. Mr. Smith is known to our community to be a violent, sadistic pimp who has targeted minors. We believe him to be a serious and ongoing danger to vulnerable Alaskan women and young people.

CUSP has never done a community safety alert like this before. In this case we believe it to be warranted because of the danger to minors and the justice system’s repeated failure to hold Mr. Smith accountable and protect our community. Our primary concern is for the safety of his victims and potential victims, and we are also concerned for the integrity of any potential criminal investigation(s). For those reasons, we will not be answering questions or providing any additional information.

CUSP is a group of current and former Alaskan sex workers, sex trafficking survivors, and allies working towards safety and protection for everyone in Alaska’s sex trades.

Here are some pictures of Troy Lyle Smith: